EVA MAREKOVÁ: From Trail Beginnings to a Dream FulfilledEVA MAREKOVÁ: Od trailových začiatkov až po splnený sen
SK45 min.2025
Accessibility | not suitable for minors under 12 years of age |
Languages | Slovak (orig.) |
Eva Mareková’s athletic journey didn’t begin until after motherhood—at the age of 33. Starting from scratch and learning from her early running mistakes, she gradually evolved into an ultrarunner, always seeking the toughest challenges.
Last year, she achieved an extraordinary feat: completing the grueling UTMB Mont-Blanc race, fulfilling her ultimate running dream. She has already conquered multiple 100-kilometer races, with many more on the horizon.
At Hory a mesto, Eva will share her story—from her first trail-running steps to the unforgettable moment of crossing the UTMB finish line.
Projection of EVA MAREKOVÁ: From Trail Beginnings to a Dream Fulfilled at MOUNTAINS AND CITY 2025
18:00 30. Mar | Film block: TRAIL RUNNING: EVA MAREKOVÁ | 191 seats available |
* Program subject to change