Accessibility | not suitable for minors under 12 years of age |
Languages | Slovak (orig.) |
Do we even need wilderness? A moderated discussion about forests where humans do NOTHING, and Nature does everything. Forests where bears, wolves, lynxes, eagles, salamanders—and even people—live. What can we do to ensure a healthy life in a thriving, balanced landscape?
As part of this section, there will be a screening of the Czech Television documentary Slovak Predators in the Crosshairs (2025).
Moderator: Pavel Vondráček, INFO
Discussion guests:
Mgr. Miroslav Kutal, Ph.D. – Institute of Forest Ecology, Mendel University in Brno, and expert consultant for Hnutí DUHA Šelmy
Vladimír Antal – Specialist in preventive sheep protection in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, longtime employee of the State Nature Conservancy of Slovakia
Janka Zajaková – Author of scientific studies on wolf feeding ecology and the impact of wolf populations on disease transmission
Katarína Ondrejová – Former member of the Ministry of the Environment's Large Carnivore Commission
Juraj Lukáč – Member of the Ministry of Agriculture’s committee on wolf hunting quotas, leader of the conservation group Lesoochranárske zoskupenie VLK
15:00 29. Mar | Film block: ENVIRO: WILDERNESS | 147 seats available |